Iowa Bankers Association
Recent News About Iowa Bankers Association
Iowa Bankers Association one of 50 state banking associations to oppose Durbin-Marshall credit card bill
The Iowa Bankers Association {IBA} is one of fifty state banking associations to oppose the "Credit Card Competition Act."
Economist: Credit card bill opposed by IA bankers ‘should really be called the Credit Card Anti-competition Act’
An economist with the International Center for Law & Economics (ICLE) said that credit card regulations proposed in Congress would reduce competition among credit card issuers.
NerdWallet Editor: Opponents of credit card regulations opposed by IA bankers say regs could ‘torpedo’ credit card rewards
The managing editor of a financial services website wrote that opponents of credit card regulations proposed in Congress said the regulations could “torpedo” credit card rewards programs.
Iowa Bankers Association: Proposed federal credit card regs would 'raise costs for consumers'
The Iowa Bankers Association (IBA) said that proposed federal credit card regulations would raise consumer costs and negative impact credit card rewards and other small business benefits.