
Hawkeye Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Who contributed the most in Iowa during week ending Feb. 5, 2022?

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Robert D Kern Private Revocable Trust, and Ronald and Arlene Holden donated the most of Iowa political fundraisers, according to Iowa.gov.

More than $22 million was raised for the Iowa Senate race in 2022. This was split fairly evenly between the Republican and Democrat parties.

What’s known as “dark money,” which comes from political non-profits and shell corporations, has greatly increased expenditures and donations in recent elections to record-breaking highs.

Donations made to political groups or candidates must be disclosed under state law for greater transparency in elections.

Disclosures of political contributions can be unclear or murky due to gaps in information and misreporting.

Top Political Contributions in Iowa for week ending Feb. 5, 2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaRobert D Kern Private Revocable Trust$25,0002/3/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaDaniel and Phyllis Rupprecht$25,0002/4/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaRonald and Arlene Holden$25,0002/4/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACLindsey Falk$20,0002/3/2022
LeaAnn Saul For Cedar FallsLeaann Saul$15,2432/2/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACRandy Miller$11,0002/3/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaBernard Baker$10,0002/4/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaAdam P. and Melissa Farver$10,0002/4/2022
Great Plains Laborers' District Council Iowa, PACGreat Plains Laborers District Council$6,7321/31/2022
Great Plains Laborers' District Council Iowa, PACGreat Plains Laborers District Council$6,4551/31/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACSteve Streb$6,2502/1/2022
Frerick for IowaDarren Sparks$5,0002/3/2022
Iowans for Tax Relief, PACPeter Voorhees$5,0002/3/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaClarence and Lynn Hoffman$5,0002/4/2022
Frerick for IowaAriel Nessel$5,0002/2/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACLogan Kentner$3,4002/3/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACAaron Krogman$3,2502/1/2022
Kathleen Figaro for SenateScott Clemons$3,0002/3/2022
FUELIowa, PACRonald Langston$2,5002/1/2022
Iowa Health, PACJason Tjaden$2,5002/4/2022
Frerick for IowaBradley Goldberg$2,5002/2/2022
Frerick for IowaSrividya Srinivasan$2,5002/4/2022
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union #25, PAC--$2,3281/31/2022
Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union #33Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 33$2,1392/4/2022
Iowa Industry Political Action Committee or IIPACPeter Voorhees$2,0002/3/2022
Sonya Heitshusen For IowaHarry Bookey$2,0002/4/2022
Sonya Heitshusen For IowaPamela Bass-Bookey$2,0002/4/2022
Ben Rogers for SupervisorPlumbers and Pipe Fitters Local 125 Political Education Fund$2,0002/4/2022
Sonya Heitshusen For IowaGerald M. Kirke$2,0002/2/2022
Frerick for IowaKathryn Head$2,0002/3/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACCork Peterson$1,7502/2/2022
McCarthy for County AttorneyTerry Moss$1,5002/4/2022
Alliant Energy Employees' Iowa, PACRoger Newport$1,5001/31/2022
Alliant Energy Employees' Iowa, PACMichael Garcia$1,5001/31/2022
Iowa Realtors, PACCathryn Sommers$1,5001/31/2022
Scott County Democratic Central CommitteeMichael Liebbe$1,5002/3/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACTravis Thom$1,5002/2/2022
Alliant Energy Employees' Iowa, PACSusan Whiting$1,5001/31/2022
Alliant Energy Employees' Iowa, PACDean Oestreich$1,5001/31/2022
Marvis Landon for IowaNate Burk$1,4622/3/2022
Tiara Mays for IowaChristine Decoudreaux$1,4001/31/2022
Vote Yes MarionSinclair Broadcast Group$1,2252/4/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACJoshua Reis$1,2002/3/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaW. Dan Shirkey$1,0002/4/2022
Bird for IowaBob Wersen$1,0002/2/2022
Iowans For MillerThomas Henderson$1,0001/31/2022
Iowa Industry Political Action Committee or IIPACMichele Farrell$1,0002/3/2022
MacKenzie Bills for IowaBryn Lansdowne$1,0001/31/2022
Frerick for IowaMax Farrell$1,0001/30/2022
McCarthy for County AttorneyStephen Vilmain$1,0002/3/2022
McCarthy for County AttorneyRick Olson$1,0002/1/2022
Iowans For MillerKen Birt$1,0001/30/2022
Iowa Realtors, PACKelly Burge$1,0001/31/2022
Committee to Elect Laura RoanDaniel Voogt$1,0002/4/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyJames Beranek$1,0002/3/2022
Frerick for IowaTyler Maiers$1,0002/2/2022
Chapman For SenateJared Nielsen$1,0001/31/2022
DeJear for IowaSondra Feldstein$1,0001/30/2022
DeJear for IowaSharon Townsend$1,0001/31/2022
RaleyForIowaSenateEdmund Raley$1,0001/30/2022
RaleyForIowaSenateEdward Raley$1,0002/4/2022
Iowans For MillerNancy Clark$1,0001/30/2022
Justice For All Political Action CommitteeRyan Nixon$1,0002/4/2022
Marvis Landon for IowaJeffrey M. Lamberti$1,0002/3/2022
Committee to Elect Laura RoanDonald Stanley$1,0001/31/2022
Iowans for Mike VondranPaul Vanduyne$1,0002/3/2022
Marvis Landon for IowaJustin O. Edler$1,0002/3/2022
Rob Sand for IowaJennifer Lawless$1,0002/1/2022
Izaah Knox for Iowa SenateKelly Keyes$1,0002/1/2022
Suresh Reddy For IowaSuresh Reddy$1,0002/1/2022
Frerick for IowaFiona Morton$1,0002/1/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaJeff and Jackie Gordon$1,0002/1/2022
Linn Wins!D & D Real Estate$7981/31/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACMark Johnson$7501/31/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACMarty Jorgensen$7502/1/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACBrian Jansen$7001/31/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACLarry Henriksen$6502/1/2022
Frerick for IowaPhoebe Lostroh$5002/3/2022
Marvis Landon for IowaRobert Norgaard$5001/30/2022
Committee to Elect Susan MillerKandis Skank$5002/3/2022
Committee to Elect Laura RoanJane Murphy$5002/1/2022
Candy BradleyRobert McQuillen$5002/1/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaDonald A. and Jennifer Slagle$5002/2/2022
Sonya Heitshusen For IowaKen Root$5002/2/2022
Moats for RecorderAlexander Barrett$5002/5/2022
Frerick for IowaElaina Rose$5002/3/2022
Maybanks for County AttorneyIronworkers Local #89 Political Education Fund$5001/31/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaBill and Linda Bywater$5002/5/2022
Rachel Zimmermann Smith for County AttorneyStan Potratz$5002/4/2022
Marvis Landon for IowaKimberly J. Rinker$5002/3/2022
Kenan Judge for IowansBruce Thorsen$5001/31/2022
Carroll County Democratic Central CommitteeRandy Potthoff$5001/31/2022
Sonya Heitshusen For IowaDavid Higgins$5002/1/2022
McCarthy for County AttorneyColt Moss$5002/4/2022
DeJear for IowaPaul Morf$5001/30/2022
FUELIowa, PACMark Lincoln$5001/31/2022
Izaah Knox for Iowa SenateMatthew Cronin$5002/2/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACNick Gaebel$5001/31/2022
Advocates for the betterment of West SiouxScott Vreeman$5002/4/2022


Iowans 4 Higher EducationCommittee To Elect Zach WahlsSarah Trone Garriott for IowaK Lynn Evans Campaign CommitteeIowa Physical Therapy, PACHeather Matson for Iowa HouseJackie Smith for Iowa SenateBen Rogers for SupervisorIowa Medical Leadership, PACBoone County Democratic Central CommitteeRebecca Bowker for IowaButton for RecorderCitizens for Rob HoggDow for IowaIowans for WaltonZylstra for Iowa HouseIowa Friends of Rural Electrification-Iaec, PACFriends of Tavis HallIowans for MillerDejear for IowaAustin Baeth for IowaMike Naig for Iowa AgricultureCarroll County Democratic Central CommitteeCwa Council of the State of Iowa Cope FundWaylon Brown for State SenateNeighbors for EnosSherman for Freedom CommitteeMauro Campaign TeamStiffler for IowaDemocratic Women of Buchanan CountyJanice Weiner for State SenateCommittee To Elect Shad ClaytonKraayenbrink for Iowa SenateCommittee To Elect Susan MillerCredit Union, PACWest Des Moines DemocratsHite for State HouseJones County Democratic Central CommitteeGehlbach for Iowa HouseWilliams for Iowa HouseEric Giddens for IowaJacobsen for Iowa HouseAbatepacMonica Kurth for Iowa HouseSuresh Reddy for IowaIndependent Insurance Agents of Iowa, PACRaleyForIowaSenateMaybanks for County AttorneyMcCarthy for County AttorneyJaylen Cavil for IowaSean Bagniewski for IowaPlumbers & Steamfitters Local Union #33Monroe County Republican Central CommitteePolk County Republican Central CommitteeIowa Realtors, PACGustoff for IowaStory County Republican Central CommitteeCitizens for Sharon SteckmanBankers Unite in Legislative DecisionsMitchell County Democratic Central CommitteeJefferson County Democratic Central CommitteeDubuque County PatriotsPenny Vossler for IowaPeople for Pam JochumIowa LawpacBird for IowaIowa Association of Nurse Anesthetists, PACMarshall County Democratic Central CommitteeAudubon County Democratic Central CommitteeWinnebago County Republican Central CommitteeIowa State Education Association or ISEA PAC, PACCitizens for John NorwoodRob Sand for IowaRachel Zimmermann Smith for County AttorneyScott County Republican Central CommitteeVote JorgensenSEIU Local 199 COPE FundAlejandro Murguia-Ortiz for Iowa SenateLoomis for County AttorneyCandy BradleyLinn County Republican Central CommitteeTodd Brady for Iowa SenateIowa Agribusiness, PACLea Ann Saul for Cedar FallsIowa CCI, PACSonya Heitshusen for IowaTompkins for AuditorMoats for RecorderLibertarian PartyIowa Health, PACJeff Shipley's Committee for Peace and ProsperityKevin J. Schneider for SheriffBuchanan County Republican Central CommitteeWeets for IowaZabner for IowaTeam LofgrenMuscatine County Democratic Central CommitteeChickasaw County Republican Central CommitteeFrerick for IowaMegan Srinivas for IowaAlons for SenateCraig Cooper for Iowa House 81Iowans for Mike VondranIowa Farm Bureau Federation Political Action CommitteeWinckler for State HouseDeb VanderGaast for Iowa SenateEric Gjerde for IowaIowa Dental Political Action CommitteeBoulton for SenateJones County Republican Central CommitteeTodd Shafer for AnkenyCournoyer for SenateIowa Democratic PartyMarvis Landon for IowaUnited Steelworkers of America Local 310 Cope AccountPolk County Democratic Central CommitteeIzaah Knox for Iowa SenateSam Wooden for Dubuque County AttorneyChapman for SenatePate for IowaFranklin County Republican Central CommitteeBlack Hawk County Republican Central CommitteeJohnson County Democratic Central CommitteeCitizens for Katy WethalFriends of WhitverLinn County Democratic Central CommitteeIowans for Tax Relief, PACBridget Carberry Montgomery for IowaDecatur County Republican Central CommitteeCosmetology Arts and Sciences Political Action CommitteeCitizens for Elinor A. LevinVote Yes MarionTaxpayers for MitchellWarren County Democratic Central CommitteeHy-Vee Employees' Political Action Committee, Inc.Advocates for the betterment of West SiouxIowa Chiropractic Society, PACJefferson County Republican Central CommitteeGrace Van Cleave for IowaLaBruna for IowaCarla Anderson for Dubuque City Council Ward 4Scott County Democratic Central CommitteePottawattamie Cnty. Democratic Central CommitteeIowa Certified Public Accountants, PACWinneshiek County Democratic Central CommitteeJohnson County Republican Central CommitteeSmith for TreasurerWDM Professional Fire Fighters L3586, PACCommittee To Elect Art StaedDallas County Republican Central CommitteeFarmers Employee and Agent Political Action Committee of IowIowa Pharmacy, PACFriends of Sandy SalmonIowa County Democratic Central CommitteeIowa People's, PACHardin County Democratic Central CommitteePlanned Parenthood Advocates of Iowa, PACKevin Kinney for State SenateTiara Mays for IowaHenry County Republican Central CommitteeTeam ChickCommittee to Elect Laura RoanUrbandale AREA DemocratsMiller for Secretary of StateFreeman for IowaKimberly Graham for IowaLinn Wins!FUELIowa, PACIfc, PACKathleen Figaro for SenateWyatt for IowaIowa Unity CoalitionCurrin to the CapitolI-Vet or Iowa Veterinary Political Action Committee Inc., PACLisaFleishman4IowaKim Reynolds for IowaIowa Voters for Van LanckerOPEi, PACIda County Republican Central CommitteeMark Thompson for Iowa HousePaul Talley LCT CampaignIowa Providers, PACAssociated General Contractors of Iowa, PACIowa Industry Political Action Committee or IIPACColman Silbernagel for IowaJustice for All Political Action CommitteeMacKenzie Bills for IowaCitizens for Campbell 2022Donahue for StatehouseJennifer Konfrst for IowaIowa Restaurant Association Political Action CommitteeAnkeny Area DemocratsKenan Judge for IowansIowa Staff Union-National Staff Organization, PACGreat Plains Laborers' District Council Iowa, PACMcClintock for IowaWashington County Democratic Central CommitteeCentral Iowa Young RepublicansAlliant Energy Employees' Iowa, PACThede for Iowa


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