
Hawkeye Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Who contributed the most in Iowa during week ending March 5, 2022?

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Jeff Koudelka made the largest political donation in the state during the week ending March 5, 2022, giving $67,383 to the Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PAC on March 2, 2022, according to Iowa.gov.

More than $22 million was raised for the Iowa Senate race in 2022. This was split fairly evenly between the Republican and Democrat parties.

What’s known as “dark money,” which comes from political non-profits and shell corporations, has greatly increased expenditures and donations in recent elections to record-breaking highs.

Donations made to political groups or candidates must be disclosed under state law for greater transparency in elections.

Disclosures of political contributions can be unclear or murky due to gaps in information and misreporting.

Top Political Contributions in Iowa for week ending March 5, 2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACJeff Koudelka$67,3833/2/2022
IFC, PACRonald Holden$50,0002/28/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaBruce Rastetter$25,0003/3/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaJc Risewick$21,6003/3/2022
Better Democracy, PACLoree Miles$17,0003/2/2022
Paustian for SupervisorPaustian for State House$11,6713/3/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyFriends of Jim Lykam$10,0003/1/2022
Republican Party of IowaTaxpayers for Collins$10,0002/28/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaCameron Sutton$8,0223/3/2022
Iowa Friends of Rural Electrification-IAEC, PACThe National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Action C$6,5663/4/2022
MacKenzie Bills for IowaKatie and Michael Barr$5,0002/28/2022
McCarthy for County AttorneyDon Lamberti$5,0002/27/2022
Republican Party of IowaJohnson for Iowa House$5,0002/28/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaRon Daniels$5,0003/2/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaStephen S. and Cynthia Rasmussen$5,0002/28/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaJohn Renda$5,0002/28/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyProgressive Turnout Project$4,0003/1/2022
DeJear for IowaJulia Gentleman$2,9003/3/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaWilliam or Ruth Parks$2,8003/3/2022
Iowa Committee of Automotive RetailersRon Lichtsinn$2,5003/2/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaRonald Grubb$2,5002/28/2022
Committee to Elect Laura RoanMary Pat Gunderson$2,5003/3/2022
Iowa Committee of Automotive RetailersRon Lichtsinn$2,5003/2/2022
DeJear for IowaMary O.'Keefe$2,5003/1/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACDan Cramer$2,3502/27/2022
Local #4 Fire, PACFire Fighters Interested in Registration & Education (FI, PAC$2,2422/28/2022
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union #25, PAC--$2,0792/28/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaJanet and Frank Berlin$2,0003/3/2022
DeJear for IowaAnn Rhodes$2,0002/27/2022
DeJear for IowaLucinda Raabe$2,0002/27/2022
Taxpayers for MitchellDon Lamberti$2,0002/27/2022
Citizens for John NorwoodLarry Taylor$1,5003/2/2022
Bird for IowaWilliam Parks$1,5003/4/2022
Tiara Mays for IowaChristine Decoudreaux$1,4002/28/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACGary Lemons$1,2002/27/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaJeff Greteman$1,1003/1/2022
Loomis for County AttorneyBrian Rosener$1,0002/27/2022
DeJear for IowaGregory Lin$1,0002/27/2022
Iowa Agribusiness, PACTerry Hurshman$1,0003/2/2022
Austin Baeth for IowaLisa Veach$1,0002/27/2022
Iowans For MillerHoward Hagen$1,0003/3/2022
Zabner For IowaHeidi Heitkamp$1,0002/27/2022
National Federation of Independent Business Iowa Political ABarb Kniff$1,0003/1/2022
Zabner For IowaChester Woodman$1,0003/2/2022
Disbro For Iowa HouseMichael Disbro$1,0003/3/2022
Iowans 4 Higher EducationDonald and Diana Vogel$1,0002/28/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACKen Cline$1,0003/3/2022
Bankers Unite in Legislative DecisionsPaul Easter$1,0002/28/2022
MacKenzie Bills for IowaSara Bills Thwing$1,0002/28/2022
McCarthy for County AttorneyJeff Lamberti$1,0003/5/2022
Sonya Heitshusen For IowaKarrie Wilson$1,0003/2/2022
Robert A GertsenRobert Gertsen$1,0003/1/2022
Iowans for FitzgeraldFred Weitz$1,0003/1/2022
Austin Baeth for IowaMolly Gross$1,0003/3/2022
Walker for SupervisorDarlene Ehlers$1,0003/4/2022
Kimberly Graham for IowaAlexander Grgurich$1,0003/2/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaLinda Markkula$1,0003/1/2022
Committee to Elect Zach WahlsHal Ide$1,0003/3/2022
Kimberly Graham for IowaChuepheng Yang$1,0002/28/2022
Rob Sand for IowaSondra Feldstein$1,0003/1/2022
Iowans for WaltonD. R. Walton$1,0002/28/2022
Moore for State RepresentativeBob Camblin$1,0003/3/2022
Zach Dieken for Iowa HouseVan Ess Dairy, LLC$1,0003/3/2022
DeJear for IowaJennifer Garst$1,0002/27/2022
Citizens for Elinor A. LevinKevin Lawrence$1,0003/2/2022
Jeff Shipley's Committee for Peace and ProsperityRoger and Nancy Leahy$1,0002/27/2022
DeJear for IowaMartha Ward$1,0002/27/2022
Izaah Knox for Iowa SenateCynthia Thorland$1,0003/2/2022
Citizens for David BellRPAC Iowa - REALTORS Political Action Committee$1,0003/1/2022
Elle Wyant for IowaBrett Blanchfield$1,0003/5/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACGreg Manatt$1,0003/2/2022
DeJear for IowaRebecca Snethen$1,0002/27/2022
Izaah Knox for Iowa SenateFred Weitz$1,0003/4/2022
Mary Ann Hanusa for AuditorJoseph D. Virgilio$1,0003/4/2022
Suresh Reddy For IowaSuresh Reddy$1,0003/1/2022
Sonya Heitshusen For IowaLon Bierma$1,0003/4/2022
Sonya Heitshusen For IowaCraig Ellingson$1,0003/2/2022
Austin Harris for IowaMariannette Miller-Meeks$1,0003/4/2022
Bird for IowaMike and Marylee Vanderpool$1,0003/2/2022
Suresh Reddy For IowaSuresh Reddy$9003/1/2022
Iowa Committee of Automotive RetailersDan Deery$8003/2/2022
Iowa Committee of Automotive RetailersMark Hummel$8002/28/2022
Iowa Committee of Automotive RetailersDan Deery$8003/2/2022
Iowa Committee of Automotive RetailersJoel Thys$8003/2/2022
Iowa Committee of Automotive RetailersMark Hummel$8002/28/2022
Iowa Committee of Automotive RetailersJoel Thys$8003/2/2022
Committee to Elect Jodie HoadleyCommittee to Elect Jodie Hoadley$7503/1/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACAdam Manatt$7503/1/2022
Iowa Voters for Van LanckerFred Weitz$6003/3/2022
Iowa Health, PACDavid Dixon$5502/28/2022
Dubuque County Patriots--$5282/28/2022
Madison County Democratic Central CommitteeRobert and Peggy Casper$5002/28/2022
Jim Nelson for Iowa HouseElla Nelson$5002/28/2022
Linn Phoenix ClubBev Hannon$5002/27/2022
Donahue for StatehouseMk McGrath$5003/1/2022
Zabner For IowaJames Bryant$5002/27/2022
Gehlbach for Iowa HouseDustin Jones$5003/1/2022
Iowa Providers, PACMatt Buley$5003/3/2022
Sarah Tupper for Marshall County AttorneyJohn McCune$5002/27/2022


Iowans 4 Higher EducationClinton County Democratic Central CommitteeTodd Halbur for State AuditorCommittee To Elect Zach WahlsDes Moines County Republican Central CommitteeSarah Trone Garriott for IowaK Lynn Evans Campaign CommitteeHeather Matson for Iowa HouseSarah Tupper for Marshall County AttorneyJackie Smith for Iowa SenateBill Lu for AnkenyTaxpayers for CollinsBoone County Democratic Central CommitteeCitizens for Rob HoggLitton for RecorderIowans for WaltonZylstra for Iowa HouseIowa Friends of Rural Electrification-Iaec, PACFriends of Tavis HallIowans for MillerDejear for IowaAustin Baeth for IowaScheetz for IowaBridget Carberry Montgomery for UrbandaleKossuth County Republican Central CommitteeWaylon Brown for State SenateSherman for Freedom CommitteeMixdorf for IowaCommittee To Elect Walter Utman Harrison County SupervisorCommunity Bankers of Iowa Political Action CommitteeScott County Republican WomenJanice Weiner for State SenateCommittee To Elect Susan MillerCitizens for David BellCredit Union, PACDubuque County Democratic Central CommitteeGehlbach for Iowa HouseCommittee To Elect Matt MccoyEric Giddens for IowaHayes4IASenateJenny Hansen for Iowa HouseSioux City Professional Firefighters Association Local #7Christy Wolfe for IowaAbatepacCommittee to Elect Jodie HoadleyIowans for Dennis BushSuresh Reddy for IowaAdams County Democratic Central CommitteeRaleyForIowaSenateMaybanks for County AttorneyMatt Pries for IowaJasper County Republican Central CommitteeMcCarthy for County AttorneyYoung for Iowa HouseLinn Phoenix ClubJaylen Cavil for IowaBrooke Boden for Iowa HouseMonroe County Republican Central CommitteePolk County Republican Central CommitteeDave Dicks for IowaPalo Alto County Republican Central CommitteeGustoff for IowaCitizens for Sharon SteckmanBankers Unite in Legislative DecisionsDubuque County PatriotsPenny Vossler for IowaPeople for Pam JochumPaustian for SupervisorBird for IowaIowa Association of Nurse Anesthetists, PACIowa State Education Association or ISEA PAC, PACCoalition for Better County GovernmentDe La Cerda for Iowa house district 36Citizens for John NorwoodClarke County Democratic Central CommitteeRob Sand for IowaRachel Zimmermann Smith for County AttorneyIowans for CoolingV Fixmer-Oraiz for Johnson County SupervisorSEIU Local 199 COPE FundLoomis for County AttorneyCandy BradleyLinn County Republican Central CommitteeTaylor for RepresentativeSrikant for CliveTodd Brady for Iowa SenateIowa Agribusiness, PACIowa CCI, PACSonya Heitshusen for IowaHenderson for HouseTompkins for AuditorMoats for RecorderLocal #4 Fire, PACLibertarian PartyFriends of Jason SchultzIowa Health, PACJeff Shipley's Committee for Peace and ProsperityMuscatine County Republican Central CommitteeBuchanan County Republican Central CommitteeBetter Democracy, PACZabner for IowaWright for IowaHeather Stancil for IowaChickasaw County Republican Central CommitteeCass County Democratic Central CommitteeFrerick for IowaMegan Srinivas for IowaRosien for IowaTurek4IowaIowa Farm Bureau Federation Political Action CommitteeDeb VanderGaast for Iowa SenateEric Gjerde for IowaWalker for SupervisorIowa Dental Political Action CommitteeJones County Republican Central CommitteeIowa Democratic PartyMarvis Landon for IowaUnited Steelworkers of America Local 310 Cope AccountBoone County Republican Central CommitteeIzaah Knox for Iowa SenateSam Wooden for Dubuque County AttorneyPate for IowaBlack Hawk County Republican Central CommitteeBridget Carberry Montgomery for IowaCosmetology Arts and Sciences Political Action CommitteeCitizens for Elinor A. LevinTaxpayers for MitchellLaborers' Local 43, PACHy-Vee Employees' Political Action Committee, Inc.Advocates for the betterment of West SiouxIowa Chiropractic Society, PACIowa Committee of Automotive RetailersSara Yedlik for IowaGrace Van Cleave for IowaWheeler for RepresentativeZach Dieken for Iowa HouseLaBruna for IowaCarla Anderson for Dubuque City Council Ward 4Iowans for FitzgeraldMoore for State RepresentativeOsmundson for IowaJohnson County Republican Central CommitteeAustin V Hayek for Webster County Board of SupervisorsSmith for TreasurerAnkeny RepublicansDumkrieger for IowaWDM Professional Fire Fighters L3586, PACDallas County Republican Central CommitteeKay Pence for IowaChris Cutler for Polk County TreasurerIowa Pharmacy, PACIowa County Democratic Central CommitteePlanned Parenthood Advocates of Iowa, PACTiara Mays for IowaDean Fisher for HouseTeam ChickElle Wyant for IowaCommittee to Elect Laura RoanUrbandale AREA DemocratsMadison County Democratic Central CommitteeFreeman for IowaKimberly Graham for IowaRobert A GertsenAustin Harris for IowaWoodbury County Democratic Central CommitteeJim Nelson for Iowa HouseRepublican Party Of IowaJon Brtling for IowaDunn for Iowa CommitteeFUELIowa, PACIfc, PACKathleen Figaro for SenateKurt Kirchner for supervisor 2022Iowa Unity CoalitionCurrin to the CapitolKim Reynolds for IowaNational Federation of Independent Business Iowa Political AIowa Telecommunications Association, PACIowa Voters for Van LanckerIda County Republican Central CommitteeJoe Bolkcom for Iowa SenateRick StewartMark Thompson for Iowa HousePaul Talley LCT CampaignIowa Providers, PACAssociated General Contractors of Iowa, PACColman Silbernagel for IowaMacKenzie Bills for IowaCitizens for Campbell 2022Hora for SenateKelly Cunningham Haan Committee for Scott County AttorneyDonahue for StatehouseJennifer Konfrst for IowaMary Ann Hanusa for AuditorIowa Staff Union-National Staff Organization, PACDisbro for Iowa HousePostcards to Iowa VotersAlliant Energy Employees' Iowa, PACSweeney for State HouseHawkeye Area Labor Council AFL-CIO Political Action Committe


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