
Hawkeye Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Who made the biggest political contributions in Iowa during week ending March 12, 2022?

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Cedar Rapids Development Group, LLC made the largest political donation in the state during the week ending March 12, 2022, giving $27,967 to the Linn Wins! on March 8, 2022, according to Iowa.gov.

More than $22 million was raised for the Iowa Senate race in 2022. This was split fairly evenly between the Republican and Democrat parties.

What’s known as “dark money,” which comes from political non-profits and shell corporations, has greatly increased expenditures and donations in recent elections to record-breaking highs.

Donations made to political groups or candidates must be disclosed under state law for greater transparency in elections.

Disclosures of political contributions can be unclear or murky due to gaps in information and misreporting.

Top Political Contributions in Iowa for week ending March 12, 2022
Linn Wins!Cedar Rapids Development Group, LLC$27,9673/8/2022
IFC, PACBrownell Family Foundation$22,2223/6/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyThe for America's Future - FEC, PAC$20,0003/8/2022
Iowa Committee on Political Education - AFL-CIOGreat Plains Laborers' District Council Iowa, PAC$20,0003/9/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACTim Mallicoat$11,7503/7/2022
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Political Action Committee--$10,5163/8/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaGreg McCoy$10,0003/11/2022
Taxpayers for MitchellBruce Rastetter$10,0003/8/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaMichael McCoy$10,0003/11/2022
Iowa State Building & Trades Council PECCentral Iowa Building and Construction Trades Council$7,3203/10/2022
Great Plains Laborers' District Council Iowa, PACGreat Plains Laborers District Council$7,1703/10/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACDan Graves$6,3333/10/2022
Taxpayers for MitchellJoe Crookham$5,0003/10/2022
Austin Harris for IowaRex and Sheri Harris$5,0003/10/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaNicholas W. Bowdish$5,0003/9/2022
Rob Sand for IowaDotty Thurston$5,0003/12/2022
DeJear for IowaKevin Rowe$5,0003/6/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyProgressive Turnout Project$4,0003/11/2022
Scott County Republican Central CommitteeFennelly for Treasury Committee$3,0983/9/2022
Iowa Committee on Political Education - AFL-CIOIFL Funds$3,0803/9/2022
Kathleen Figaro for SenateJonathon Loeb$2,9003/9/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaJames Dean$2,5003/7/2022
Webster for IowaDan Dolan$2,5003/10/2022
Taxpayers for MitchellRichard Stark$2,5003/7/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaMike Whalen$2,5003/8/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaRon McMillen$2,5003/9/2022
Turek4IowaJosh Turek$2,5003/8/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaBruce and Deb Dooyema$2,5003/7/2022
Chris Cutler for Polk County Treasurer--$2,0803/8/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACSteve Atkins$2,0003/11/2022
Rob Sand for IowaRobert Haselow$2,0003/10/2022
Cedar County Democratic Central CommitteeJodi Clemens for Iowa$2,0003/10/2022
Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union #33Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 33$1,8333/7/2022
DeJear for IowaJoseph Braverman$1,8003/6/2022
Iowa State Building & Trades Council PECCedar Rapids Trades Council CR IC Building Trades$1,6583/10/2022
Iowa Industry Political Action Committee or IIPACMichael Ralston$1,5003/11/2022
Rob Sand for IowaCynthia O.'Brien$1,5003/7/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACLucas Budke$1,5003/7/2022
Iowa State Building & Trades Council PECCedar Rapids Trades Council CR IC Building Trades$1,3713/10/2022
Iowa State Building & Trades Council PECSoutheastern Iowa Building Trade Council$1,3123/10/2022
Scott County Republican Central Committee--$1,2003/9/2022
Iowa State Building & Trades Council PECCedar Rapids Trades Council CR IC Building Trades$1,0743/10/2022
Iowa Industry Political Action Committee or IIPACSarah and Jack Hasken$1,0503/11/2022
Linn Phoenix ClubDennis and Karen Kral$1,0003/7/2022
Sonya Heitshusen For IowaSarah Cooper$1,0003/11/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaHarry Coin$1,0003/8/2022
Clinton County Republican Central CommitteeMarcia Naeve$1,0003/9/2022
DeJear for IowaStevenson Weitz$1,0003/6/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaJacquie Bisignano$1,0003/10/2022
Iowa Realtors, PACJill Hartke$1,0003/9/2022
Iowa Realtors, PACBrandi Radcliffe$1,0003/9/2022
Iowa Industry Political Action Committee or IIPACKelly Barrick$1,0003/11/2022
DeJear for IowaStuart Feldstein$1,0003/6/2022
Mary Ann Hanusa for AuditorDiane Andersen$1,0003/10/2022
Iowans for FitzgeraldDavid Claypool$1,0003/8/2022
Bird for IowaJohn Gleeson$1,0003/11/2022
Sam Wooden for Dubuque County AttorneyBrian Kohlwes$1,0003/7/2022
Bill Lu for AnkenyPolice Officers For Good Government$1,0003/10/2022
Taxpayers for MitchellJeff Lamberti$1,0003/6/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaChris Sieverding$1,0003/8/2022
DeJear for IowaRoss Wilburn$1,0003/6/2022
Iowa Dental Political Action CommitteeEric Knox$1,0003/9/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaAmy Johnson$1,0003/8/2022
Iowa Industry Political Action Committee or IIPACTimothy Conlon$1,0003/11/2022
DeJear for IowaKarl Knock$1,0003/6/2022
Committee to Elect Zach WahlsRick Gubbels$1,0003/8/2022
Iowa Industry Political Action Committee or IIPACDrew Vogel$1,0003/11/2022
Jessica Wiskus for IowaJessica Wiskus$1,0003/11/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaStephanie Pothoven$1,0003/10/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaDavid Falk$1,0003/7/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaScott Groeneweg$1,0003/9/2022
Iowa Realtors, PACMichael Jensen$1,0003/9/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaClay Leavitt$1,0003/10/2022
Kenan Judge for IowansAndrew Hope$1,0003/6/2022
Prim Care Policital Action CommitteeStephen Richards$9713/9/2022
Iowa State Building & Trades Council PECNorthwest Building Trades$9413/10/2022
Home Builders Association of Greater Des Moines, PACPass The Hat$8103/11/2022
Iowans For MillerTerrance Kelly$8003/7/2022
Iowa State Building & Trades Council PECSouth Central Iowa Building Trades$7603/10/2022
Frerick for IowaThomas Van Heeke$7503/12/2022
Iowa Realtors, PACBrooke Bahndorf$7503/11/2022
Prim Care Policital Action CommitteeAndrea Silvers$7283/9/2022
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Political Action Committee--$6593/7/2022
Scott County Republican Central Committee--$6233/9/2022
Iowa Industry Political Action Committee or IIPACMike Espeset$6003/11/2022
Ankeny RepublicansMarvis Landon$6003/10/2022
Todd Halbur For State AuditorTodd Halbur$6003/11/2022
Pottawattamie Cnty. Republican Central Committee--$5763/12/2022
Great Plains Laborers' District Council Iowa, PACGreat Plains Laborers District Council$5233/10/2022
MacKenzie Bills for IowaRhonda Vry-Bills$5103/10/2022
Harrison County Republican Central Committee--$5063/12/2022
Eric Giddens for IowaMichael and Traci Mallaro$5003/8/2022
Grace Van Cleave for IowaAdelaide Naumann$5003/9/2022
Linn Phoenix ClubNancy Sauerman$5003/10/2022
LaBruna for IowaSteve Labruna$5003/7/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaCraig Brownlee$5003/9/2022
DeJear for IowaKelvin Bell$5003/6/2022
Loomis for County AttorneyJoshua Loomis$5003/8/2022
Sarah Trone Garriott for IowaConnie Hockett$5003/12/2022


Iowans 4 Higher EducationClinton County Democratic Central CommitteeTodd Halbur for State AuditorCommittee To Elect Zach WahlsSarah Trone Garriott for IowaK Lynn Evans Campaign CommitteeHeather Matson for Iowa HouseSarah Tupper for Marshall County AttorneyJackie Smith for Iowa SenateIspsa, PACBill Lu for AnkenyTaxpayers for CollinsMary Wells for Polk County TreasurerRebecca Bowker for IowaButton for RecorderIowans for WaltonIowa Friends of Rural Electrification-Iaec, PACCedar County Democratic Central CommitteeFriends of Tavis HallIowans for MillerDejear for IowaRe Elect Duncan for RecorderIowa Optometric AssociationAustin Baeth for IowaScheetz for IowaIowa Committee On Political Education - Afl-CioMike Naig for Iowa AgricultureWood for IowaWaylon Brown for State SenateSherman for Freedom CommitteeMixdorf for IowaStiffler for IowaLundgren for HouseScott County Republican WomenJanice Weiner for State SenateCommittee To Elect Susan MillerCitizens for David BellDubuque County Democratic Central CommitteeJoshua Meggers for Iowa HouseWoodbury County Republican Central CommitteeGary Mohr for State HouseGehlbach for Iowa HousePottawattamie Cnty. Republican Central CommitteeEric Giddens for IowaHayes4IASenateChristy Wolfe for IowaAbatepacHancock County Republican Central CommitteeWashington County Republican Central CommitteeJessica Wiskus for IowaSuresh Reddy for IowaClasen for TreasurerButler County Republican Central CommitteeRozenboom for SenateMatt Pries for IowaJasper County Republican Central CommitteeMcCarthy for County AttorneyLinn Phoenix ClubJaylen Cavil for IowaPlumbers & Steamfitters Local Union #33Polk County Republican Central CommitteeWebster for IowaIowa Realtors, PACStory County Republican Central CommitteeCitizens for Sharon SteckmanBankers Unite in Legislative DecisionsSeth Zimmermann for Johnson County SupervisorBird for IowaWasson for IowaMarion County Republican Central CommitteeIowa Association of Nurse Anesthetists, PACAudubon County Republican Central CommitteeClarke County Republican Central CommitteeIowa State Education Association or ISEA PAC, PACPrim Care Policital Action CommitteeCitizens for John NorwoodCarolyn Siebrecht for RecorderRob Sand for IowaRachel Zimmermann Smith for County AttorneyDubuque County Republican Central CommitteeIowa Professional Fire Fighters, PACScott County Republican Central CommitteeIowans for CoolingVote JorgensenSorensen for IowaLoomis for County AttorneyCandy BradleyLinn County Republican Central CommitteeSrikant for CliveTodd Brady for Iowa SenateMills County Republican Central CommitteeGobble for Iowa HouseFriends of Caleb CopleySonya Heitshusen for IowaTompkins for AuditorMoats for RecorderIowa State Building & Trades Council PECLibertarian PartyFriends of Jason SchultzMuscatine County Republican Central CommitteeDelaware County Republican Central CommitteeZabner for IowaCommittee to Elect KirkendallClay County Republican Central CommitteeCass County Democratic Central CommitteeFrerick for IowaMegan Srinivas for IowaRosien for IowaCarter Nath for Kossuth County SupervisorHome Builders Association of Greater Des Moines, PACAlons for SenateIowans for Mike VondranTurek4IowaIowa Federation of Young RepublicansIowa Farm Bureau Federation Political Action CommitteeIowa Dental Political Action CommitteeBoulton for SenateJones County Republican Central CommitteeDickey for IowaCournoyer for SenateIowa Democratic PartyMarvis Landon for IowaPolk County Democratic Central CommitteeJordan Gaffney for County AttorneyIzaah Knox for Iowa SenateSam Wooden for Dubuque County AttorneyStory County Democratic Central CommitteeFayette County Republican Central CommitteeFranklin County Republican Central CommitteeBlack Hawk County Republican Central CommitteeJohnson County Democratic Central CommitteeCitizens for Katy WethalCitizens for Elinor A. LevinTaxpayers for MitchellAnn Meyer for StatehouseCerro Gordo County Republican Central CommitteeHamilton County Republican Central CommitteeIowa Committee of Automotive RetailersSara Yedlik for IowaGrace Van Cleave for IowaDavis County Republican Central CommitteeZach Dieken for Iowa HouseLaBruna for IowaScott County Democratic Central CommitteeGarrett for Statehouse CommitteeIowans for FitzgeraldIowa Certified Public Accountants, PACIowans for Kirsten Running MarquardtClinton County Republican Central CommitteeCitizens for Wessel KroeschellJohnson County Republican Central CommitteeSmith for TreasurerMaxwell for SupervisorAnkeny RepublicansDallas County Republican Central CommitteeKay Pence for IowaChris Cutler for Polk County TreasurerSkylar Limkemann for Iowa HouseKevin Kinney for State SenateTiara Mays for IowaTeam ChickElle Wyant for IowaFriends of Ken CrokenCommittee to Elect Laura RoanWapello County Republican Central CommitteeMadison County Democratic Central CommitteeMiller for Secretary of StateKimberly Graham for IowaAustin Harris for IowaJim Nelson for Iowa HouseRepublican Party Of IowaLinn Wins!Dunn for Iowa CommitteeFUELIowa, PACIfc, PACKathleen Figaro for SenateIowa Unity CoalitionCurrin to the CapitolKim Reynolds for IowaIowa Voters for Van LanckerOPEi, PACRick StewartMark Thompson for Iowa HouseAssociated General Contractors of Iowa, PACIowa Industry Political Action Committee or IIPACHarrison County Republican Central CommitteeMutual Insurance Association of Iowa, PACIowa BEV #6098, PACJustice for All Political Action CommitteeMacKenzie Bills for IowaCitizens for Campbell 2022Hora for SenateBenton County Republican Central CommitteeDonahue for StatehouseMary Ann Hanusa for AuditorKenan Judge for IowansGreat Plains Laborers' District Council Iowa, PACMcClintock for IowaDickinson County Democratic Central Committee


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