
Hawkeye Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Who contributed the most in Iowa during week ending April 2, 2022?

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Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities Insurance Trust made the largest political donation in the state during the week ending April 2, 2022, giving $50,000 to the MuniPAC on March 30, 2022, according to Iowa.gov.

More than $22 million was raised for the Iowa Senate race in 2022. This was split fairly evenly between the Republican and Democrat parties.

What’s known as “dark money,” which comes from political non-profits and shell corporations, has greatly increased expenditures and donations in recent elections to record-breaking highs.

Donations made to political groups or candidates must be disclosed under state law for greater transparency in elections.

Disclosures of political contributions can be unclear or murky due to gaps in information and misreporting.

Top Political Contributions in Iowa for week ending April 2, 2022
MuniPACIowa Association of Municipal Utilities Insurance Trust$50,0003/30/2022
Iowa Health, PACDouglas Johnson$12,5003/31/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaHelen Howe$10,0003/29/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaPeter E Voorhees Rev Trust$10,0003/30/2022
Bird for IowaStephen Grubb$10,0003/30/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaGreg Dyer$7,5003/28/2022
Sherman for Freedom CommitteeCJE Properties, LLC$5,0004/1/2022
Committee to Elect Matt McCoyMarc Beltrame$5,0003/27/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaPat Weiler$5,0003/31/2022
Austin Harris for IowaDavid Barker$5,0004/1/2022
Kris Nall For IowaRobbie Pratt$5,0003/31/2022
Rob Sand for IowaFred Weitz$5,0004/1/2022
DeJear for IowaHarry Bookey$5,0003/31/2022
IFC, PACPete Brownell$5,0003/28/2022
Friends of Jazmin NewtonLaborers' 309 Political Action Committee$3,5003/29/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyCitizens for Sharon Steckman$3,0003/29/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyJacoby for House$3,0003/29/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyCommittee to Elect Mascher$3,0003/29/2022
IFC, PACPete Brownell$2,9003/28/2022
DeJear for IowaJohn Ramsbacher$2,5003/27/2022
Mary Ann Hanusa for AuditorTed Hoff$2,5004/1/2022
Ashley Herrig for Clay County AttorneyAshley Herrig$2,5003/30/2022
Committee to Elect Jodie HoadleyJohn Augustine$2,5003/28/2022
Republican Party of IowaDallas County Republican Central Committee$2,3253/28/2022
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union #25, PAC--$2,2453/31/2022
Local #4 Fire, PACFire Fighters Interested in Registration & Education (FI, PAC$2,2163/29/2022
Suresh Reddy For IowaCaas, LLC$2,1434/1/2022
Committee for DeLossCourtney Deloss$2,0003/30/2022
Iowans For MillerMarcia Goldman$2,0003/31/2022
Iowans For MillerJohn Goldman$2,0003/31/2022
DeJear for IowaEdward Friedmann$2,0003/31/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaDavid Spahn$2,0003/28/2022
Iowans for Kirsten Running-MarquardtKathryn Brune$2,0004/1/2022
Committee for Cathy Voith for Calhoun County RecorderCathy Voith$1,9004/1/2022
Iowa Optometric AssociationMike Korthals$1,5004/2/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaRyan Roe$1,5003/28/2022
Committee to elect Shad ClaytonThomas Reis$1,5003/28/2022
Alliant Energy Employees' Iowa, PACThomas O.'Toole$1,5003/28/2022
Loomis for County AttorneyWalker Brothers Roofing, LLC$1,5003/28/2022
Bird for IowaJeffrey and Jodi Weber$1,5004/1/2022
Committee for DeLossJody Deloss$1,5003/31/2022
Iowans for Responsible Gun Laws, PACJanet Rosenbury$1,5003/31/2022
Heil for SupervisorHeil for Treasurer$1,4594/1/2022
Tiara Mays for IowaChristine Decoudreaux$1,4003/31/2022
Education Harvey for Jefferson County AttorneyEdward Harvey$1,2313/27/2022
Turek4IowaJosh Turek Fundraiser at Barley's$1,1813/27/2022
Warren County Democratic Central Committee--$1,0753/28/2022
Austin Harris for IowaSusanne Sloan$1,0413/30/2022
Kathleen Figaro for SenateJeffrey Madura$1,0013/31/2022
Iowa Dental Political Action CommitteeSoutheast District Dental Society$1,0003/28/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaJohn Hendry$1,0003/28/2022
Cindy Golding for Iowa HouseCindy Golding$1,0003/30/2022
Cindy Golding for Iowa HouseCindy Golding$1,0004/1/2022
Stoltenberg for HouseMark Buettner$1,0003/31/2022
Turek4IowaMarlyn McClain$1,0003/29/2022
Iowans For MillerDavid Claypool$1,0003/31/2022
Webster for IowaHomebuilders Association, PAC$1,0003/28/2022
Sara Yedlik for IowaCharles Yedlik$1,0003/30/2022
Sonya Heitshusen For IowaRick Tollakson$1,0003/31/2022
Iowans For MillerGerard Neugent$1,0003/31/2022
Committee to elect Tom RileyThomas Riley$1,0003/31/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaRandall McCright$1,0003/31/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaEugene Cherny$1,0003/28/2022
Citizens for John NorwoodLiz Garst$1,0003/28/2022
Bird for IowaHelen Howe$1,0003/29/2022
Taxpayers for MitchellJoyce Dennison$1,0003/27/2022
Loomis for County AttorneyAlan Goetsch$1,0003/28/2022
Bird for IowaDavid Casten$1,0003/30/2022
Iowa Realtors, PACLisa Nolan$1,0003/30/2022
Citizens for John NorwoodJack Hatch$1,0003/30/2022
Bird for IowaKeith Denner$1,0003/28/2022
Rob Sand for IowaJoanne Stevens$1,0003/30/2022
Iowans For MillerJohn Gilbert$1,0003/31/2022
Heather Stancil for IowaBen Johnson$1,0003/28/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaKraig Hulstein$1,0003/28/2022
DeJear for IowaElizabeth Sparks$1,0003/31/2022
Republican Party of IowaIowans for Mary Ann Hanusa$1,0004/1/2022
Diana Swartz for IowaStan Swartz$1,0004/2/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaMike Vanderpool$1,0003/28/2022
Friends of Tavis HallJames Walsh$1,0003/30/2022
Scheetz for IowaRavi Patel$1,0003/30/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaMark Collett$1,0003/28/2022
Stoltenberg for HouseJeremy Steiner$1,0003/31/2022
DeJear for IowaDavid McCartney$1,0003/27/2022
Chris Cutler for Polk County TreasurerGalinsky Family Real Estate, LLC$1,0003/28/2022
DeJear for IowaPaige Fiedler$1,0003/27/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaDavid Casten$1,0003/30/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaDale Den Herder$1,0003/31/2022
National Federation of Independent Business Iowa Political ARoy Skoglund$1,0003/31/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyJennifer Garst$1,0003/29/2022
Allamakee County Republican Central CommitteeLee McGovern$1,0004/1/2022
Dunn For Iowa CommitteeAndrew Dunn$9673/31/2022
Madison County Democratic Central Committee--$9413/28/2022
Stiffler for IowaKristen Stiffler$9003/29/2022
Republican Party of IowaPlymouth County Republican Central Committee$9004/1/2022
Iowa Democratic PartySage Media Planning and Placement, Inc.$8943/29/2022
Maggie Armstrong for SupervisorNine19 Land Company$8304/1/2022
Republican Party of IowaMarshall County Republican Central Committee$8254/1/2022
Dave Dicks for IowaCary Peterson$7503/31/2022


Chauncey Moulding for Jefferson County AttorneyTodd Halbur for State AuditorCommittee To Elect Zach WahlsNikole Tutton for Iowa SenatePuffett for SupervisorSarah Trone Garriott for IowaSam Cox for IowaHeather Matson for Iowa HouseJackie Smith for Iowa SenateLee County Democratic Central CommitteeMary Wells for Polk County TreasurerButton for RecorderBev Price for Jasper County SupervisorZylstra for Iowa HouseIowa Friends of Rural Electrification-Iaec, PACFriends of Tavis HallIowans for MillerDejear for IowaMary Madison for IowaBrett Mason for SupervisorIowa Optometric AssociationAustin Baeth for IowaScheetz for IowaMike Naig for Iowa AgricultureWaylon Brown for State SenateSherman for Freedom CommitteeScholten for IowaMauro Campaign TeamStiffler for IowaCommunity Bankers of Iowa Political Action CommitteeCommittee To Elect Shad ClaytonWayne County Democratic Central CommitteeCredit Union, PACJoshua Meggers for Iowa HouseMaggie Armstrong for SupervisorHite for State HouseJones County Democratic Central CommitteeGary Mohr for State HouseGehlbach for Iowa HouseCommittee To Elect Matt MccoyCharley Thomson for HouseCommittee to elect Tom RileyAbatepacJordyn Hill for Warren County RecorderCommittee to Elect Jodie HoadleyJessica Wiskus for IowaIowans for Liz BennettSuresh Reddy for IowaIowa Cattlemen's Association, PACCommittee for Cathy Voith for Calhoun County RecorderAllamakee County Democratic Central CommitteeSinnard for Dallas County AttorneyIowa State U. A. W., PACWilkerson for Iowa HouseRozenboom for SenateMatt Pries for IowaWidbin for IowaMcCarthy for County AttorneyPolk County Republican Central CommitteeWebster for IowaIowa Realtors, PACDave Dicks for IowaLori Meacham GinaCarol Hibbs CampaignDallas County Democratic Central CommitteeMollyBuckForAnkenyCitizens for Sharon SteckmanWinneshiek County Republican Central CommitteeTaylor County Democratic Central CommitteeBankers Unite in Legislative DecisionsSeth Zimmermann for Johnson County SupervisorPeople for Pam JochumHayes for HouseBird for IowaIowa Association of Nurse Anesthetists, PACIowa State Education Association or ISEA PAC, PACDe La Cerda for Iowa house district 36Citizens for John NorwoodCarolyn Siebrecht for RecorderRob Sand for IowaRachel Zimmermann Smith for County AttorneyCindy Golding for Iowa HouseLoomis for County AttorneyQuirmbach for SenateTodd Brady for Iowa SenateShawn Smith for Pott County Board of SupervisorsCerro Gordo County Democratic Central CommitteeIowa CCI, PACSonya Heitshusen for IowaRay Lough Election CommitteeHeaton for Rural IowaLocal #4 Fire, PACKossuth County Democratic Central CommitteeIowa Health, PACBuchanan County Republican Central CommitteeWebster County Democratic Central CommitteeGreene County Democratic Central CommitteeCommittee to Elect KirkendallHeather Stancil for IowaClaire Celsi for IowaFrerick for IowaMegan Srinivas for IowaAllamakee County Republican Central CommitteeRosien for IowaRuth Ann Gaines for State RepresentativeCraig Cooper for Iowa House 81Iowans for Mike VondranTurek4IowaIowa Farm Bureau Federation Political Action CommitteeHeil for SupervisorEric Gjerde for IowaCundiff for SupervisorIowa Dental Political Action CommitteeFriends of Jazmin NewtonIowa Democratic PartyMarvis Landon for IowaUnited Steelworkers of America Local 310 Cope AccountPolk County Democratic Central CommitteeBoone County Republican Central CommitteeIsenhart Campaign for the Common GoodIzaah Knox for Iowa SenateSam Wooden for Dubuque County AttorneyStory County Democratic Central CommitteePate for IowaStoltenberg for HouseWayne Kenniker for SupervisorIowans for Tax Relief, PACBridget Carberry Montgomery for IowaCommittee- Elect Matt Matteson for Hamilton County TreasurerTaxpayers for MitchellIowans for UngWarren County Democratic Central CommitteeHy-Vee Employees' Political Action Committee, Inc.Iowa Committee of Automotive RetailersJefferson County Republican Central CommitteeSara Yedlik for IowaGrace Van Cleave for IowaWheeler for RepresentativeHemingway for SupervisorMatt Robinson for IowaAshley Herrig for Clay County AttorneyLaBruna for IowaIowans for FitzgeraldIowans for Kirsten Running MarquardtSouth Central Iowa Federation of Labor AFL-CIO CitizenshipWinneshiek County Democratic Central CommitteeSmith for TreasurerAnkeny RepublicansWDM Professional Fire Fighters L3586, PACKris Nall for IowaKay Pence for IowaChris Cutler for Polk County TreasurerMuniPACSkylar Limkemann for Iowa HouseTim Lecander for IowaKevin Kinney for State SenateTiara Mays for IowaZahorik for IowaTeam ChickCommittee to Elect Laura RoanMadison County Democratic Central CommitteeFreeman for IowaKimberly Graham for IowaAustin Harris for IowaRepublican Party Of IowaMaher for SupervisorDunn for Iowa CommitteeIowans for Responsible Gun Laws, PACIfc, PACKathleen Figaro for SenateKurt Kirchner for supervisor 2022Wyatt for IowaIowa Unity CoalitionWulf for IowaOxley for SupervisorDiana Swartz for IowaEducation Harvey for Jefferson County AttorneyIronworkers Local #89 Political Education FundLisaFleishman4IowaKim Reynolds for IowaNational Federation of Independent Business Iowa Political AIowa Voters for Van LanckerMark Thompson for Iowa HousePaul Talley LCT CampaignIowa Providers, PACMutual Insurance Association of Iowa, PACMarshall County Republican Central CommitteeMacKenzie Bills for IowaCitizens for Campbell 2022Hora for SenateCommittee for DeLossDonahue for StatehouseIowa Restaurant Association Political Action CommitteeAnkeny Area DemocratsMary Ann Hanusa for AuditorKenan Judge for IowansVan Buren County Democratic Central CommitteeWashington County Democratic Central CommitteeAlliant Energy Employees' Iowa, PACHawkeye Area Labor Council AFL-CIO Political Action Committe


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