
Hawkeye Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Who made the biggest political contributions in Iowa during week ending July 2, 2022?

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More than $22 million was raised for the Iowa Senate race in 2022. This was split fairly evenly between the Republican and Democrat parties.

What’s known as “dark money,” which comes from political non-profits and shell corporations, has greatly increased expenditures and donations in recent elections to record-breaking highs.

Donations made to political groups or candidates must be disclosed under state law for greater transparency in elections.

Disclosures of political contributions can be unclear or murky due to gaps in information and misreporting.

Top Political Contributions in Iowa for week ending July 2, 2022
Iowa State Education Association or ISEA PAC, PAC--$88,9157/1/2022
Rob Sand for IowaNancy Lauridsen$50,0006/29/2022
Republican Party of IowaRepublican State Leadership Committee$50,0006/28/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaBob Van Diest Trust$25,0007/1/2022
Sherman for Freedom CommitteeHuck, PAC$25,0006/27/2022
Citizens for Pat GrassleyKurt Rasmussen$15,0006/27/2022
Citizens for Pat GrassleyAssociated General Contractors of Iowa, PAC$15,0006/27/2022
Iowans For MillerJerry Crawford$15,0006/30/2022
Iowa Health, PACJason Norton$12,0006/28/2022
Mauro Campaign TeamEdward Mauro$11,2406/28/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaLinda Juckette$10,0006/30/2022
Chapman For SenateAssociated General Contractors of Iowa, PAC$10,0006/28/2022
Win With WindschitlAssociated General Contractors of Iowa, PAC$10,0006/29/2022
Iowans For MillerGerald Kirke$10,0006/30/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaSteve Boote$10,0006/29/2022
Friends of WhitverGerald M. Kirke$10,0006/30/2022
Smith for TreasurerGerald Kirke$10,0007/2/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaMelissa Von Maur$10,0006/29/2022
JONI Iowa, PACERNST Victory Iowa$8,4026/30/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaStand for America, PAC$7,8006/30/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaBob Haney$7,5386/30/2022
Associated Builders & Contractors of Iowa Political Action CJeremy Price$6,0006/27/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaSusan Mau$5,3506/29/2022
Iowans For MillerMidAmerican Energy Company, PAC$5,0006/29/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyRegina Brennan$5,0006/30/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaKen Kemna$5,0006/26/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaDuane Mueske$5,0006/27/2022
Friends of WhitverThe Home Depot Political Action Committee, Inc.$5,0006/27/2022
Young for Iowa HouseChristopher Boley$5,0006/27/2022
Bird for IowaAdrie Groeneweg$5,0007/1/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaDavid Tamasi$5,0006/28/2022
Smith for TreasurerDavid Barker$5,0006/30/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaMaria Waterman$5,0007/1/2022
Smith for TreasurerDennis L Elwell Revocable Trust$5,0006/28/2022
Sarah Trone Garriott for IowaFred Hubbell$5,0006/30/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaDavid Walsh$5,0006/26/2022
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Iowa, PACThomas Carpenter$5,0006/28/2022
Iowans For MillerJ Lloyd Jones$5,0006/27/2022
Stoltenberg for HouseHuck, PAC$5,0006/30/2022
Sarah Trone Garriott for IowaThe Next 50 Pac #1062$5,0006/30/2022
Iowa BEV #6098, PACChristine Elaine Spratt$4,3916/27/2022
Winnebago County Republican Central CommitteeHancock County Republican Central Committee$4,2086/28/2022
DeJear for IowaRich Eychaner$4,1787/1/2022
Iowa Committee on Political Education - AFL-CIOIFL Funds$4,0836/29/2022
Jennifer Konfrst for IowaWellmark PAC or WellPAC, Inc.$4,0006/29/2022
Cournoyer for SenateAssociated General Contractors of Iowa, PAC$4,0007/2/2022
Committee to Elect Zach WahlsMidAmerican Energy Company, PAC$4,0006/30/2022
Jennifer Konfrst for IowaMidAmerican Energy Company, PAC$4,0006/29/2022
Committee to Elect Zach WahlsWellmark PAC or WellPAC, Inc.$4,0006/30/2022
Scott County Democratic Central CommitteeCommittee to Elect Chris Brase$3,7006/30/2022
Linda Murken for SupervisorStory County Democratic Central Committee$3,5006/30/2022
Heddens for SupervisorStory County Democratic Central Committee$3,5006/30/2022
Young for Iowa HouseAssociated General Contractors of Iowa, PAC$3,0006/29/2022
Hora for SenateAssociated General Contractors of Iowa, PAC$3,0007/1/2022
Jennifer Konfrst for IowaIha, PAC$3,0006/28/2022
Associated Builders & Contractors of Iowa Political Action CRyan Rock$3,0006/28/2022
Taxpayers for CollinsAssociated General Contractors of Iowa, PAC$3,0007/1/2022
Determann for Iowa HouseAssociated General Contractors of Iowa, PAC$3,0006/28/2022
Donahue for StatehouseKay Harrison$2,5006/26/2022
Johnson County Democratic Central CommitteeGreat Plains Laborers' District Council Iowa, PAC$2,5006/30/2022
Iowans For MillerRoger Stone$2,5006/28/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaBill Van Orsdel$2,5006/29/2022
Iowans For MillerJean Lloyd-Jones$2,5006/26/2022
Associated Builders & Contractors of Iowa Political Action CKevin MacFarlane$2,5006/28/2022
Loomis for County AttorneyStephen Warren$2,5006/26/2022
Jennifer Konfrst for IowaBankers Unite in Legislative Decisions$2,5006/29/2022
DeJear for IowaBrian Meeker$2,5006/30/2022
Iha, PACDavid Stark$2,5006/27/2022
Associated Builders & Contractors of Iowa Political Action CMike O.'Day$2,5006/29/2022
Iowans For MillerClare Gannon$2,5006/30/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyDeJear for Iowa$2,5006/29/2022
Committee to Elect Zach WahlsBankers Unite in Legislative Decisions$2,5006/30/2022
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union #25, PAC--$2,4966/30/2022
Hayes for HouseBetty Deboef$2,1016/29/2022
Iowans For MillerFrederick Weitz$2,0007/1/2022
Sherman for Freedom CommitteeMarti Crites$2,0006/27/2022
Selena Humphrey for County RecorderSelena Humphrey$2,0007/1/2022
Doll Family, PACGeorge Doll$2,0006/28/2022
Committee to Elect Zach WahlsIowa Health, PAC$2,0006/30/2022
Doll Family, PACAndrew Doll$2,0006/27/2022
Citizens for Pat GrassleyRenewable Energy Group Political Action Committee (REG, Inc.$2,0006/27/2022
Lee County Republican Central CommitteeCharles Holmes$2,0006/27/2022
Jennifer Konfrst for IowaAlliant Energy Employees' Iowa, PAC$2,0006/28/2022
Eric Giddens for IowaMidAmerican Energy Company, PAC$2,0006/29/2022
Jennifer Konfrst for IowaIowa Health, PAC$2,0006/29/2022
Associated Builders & Contractors of Iowa Political Action CBruce Bowman$2,0006/28/2022
Committee to Elect Zach WahlsAlliant Energy Employees' Iowa, PAC$2,0006/30/2022
Bremer County Democratic Central CommitteePam Egli for Senate$1,9876/27/2022
Iowa Cattlemen's Association, PAC--$1,9806/27/2022
Berkshire Hathaway Energy, PACNatalie Hocken$1,8986/30/2022
Berkshire Hathaway Energy, PACWilliam Fehrman$1,5296/30/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaBob Haney$1,5236/30/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyInternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers IBEW, PAC$1,5006/30/2022
DeJear for IowaJohn Larson$1,5006/26/2022
Iowa Restaurant Association Political Action CommitteeMatt Johnson$1,4507/1/2022
Teamsters Local 554 Iowa - D. R. I. V. E.International Brotherhood of Teamsters$1,3786/30/2022
Chapman For SenateTroy Hames$1,2506/27/2022
Chapman For SenateBarb Hames$1,2506/27/2022
Wasson for IowaFive Seasons Media$1,2296/28/2022


Iowans 4 Higher EducationClinton County Democratic Central CommitteeCommittee To Elect Zach WahlsSimmons for SupervisorSarah Trone Garriott for IowaHeather Matson for Iowa HouseJasper County Democratic Central CommitteeJackie Smith for Iowa SenateTaxpayers for CollinsIha, PACSteve Avis for Urbandale School BoardDawn Driscoll for State SenateBev Price for Jasper County SupervisorIowans for WaltonElect Richards CommitteeZylstra for Iowa HouseIowans for MillerDejear for IowaMary Madison for IowaBrett Mason for SupervisorRe Elect Duncan for RecorderIowa Committee On Political Education - Afl-CioMike Naig for Iowa AgricultureWood for IowaGreen for Johnson CountyWaylon Brown for State SenateSherman for Freedom CommitteeScholten for IowaMauro Campaign TeamStiffler for IowaTim Meals for County AttorneyLundgren for HouseMark Weatherly State Representative 39Gulick for Good GovernanceJanice Weiner for State SenateHeddens for SupervisorCredit Union, PACJohnson for IowaSelena Humphrey for County RecorderRinggold County Democratic Central CommitteeEric Giddens for IowaAbatepacJessica Wiskus for IowaSuresh Reddy for IowaIowa Cattlemen's Association, PACCitizens To Elect Bill DotzlerZaun for Iowa SenateJed Ganzer for IowaMatt Pries for IowaJasper County Republican Central CommitteeAnn McLaughlin for TreasurerYoung for Iowa HouseDoll Family, PACPolk County Republican Central CommitteeWebster for IowaIowa Realtors, PACClayton County Democratic Central CommitteeBerkshire Hathaway Energy PACTillman for Iowa HouseGustoff for IowaCitizens for Pat GrassleyStory County Republican Central CommitteeCitizens for Sharon SteckmanWolff 4 SenateTaylor County Democratic Central CommitteeBankers Unite in Legislative DecisionsDubuque County PatriotsPenny Vossler for IowaPeople for Pam JochumHayes for HouseBird for IowaWasson for IowaWinnebago County Republican Central CommitteeIowa State Education Association or ISEA PAC, PACPrim Care Policital Action CommitteeEddie Andrews for IowaCitizens for John NorwoodRob Sand for IowaRowley for Iowa SenateFriends of Joseph C MillerGustafson for Iowa HouseAlejandro Murguia-Ortiz for Iowa SenateLoomis for County AttorneyQuirmbach for SenateCandy BradleyMatt Greiner for SenateO'Brien County Democratic Central CommitteeTodd Brady for Iowa SenateGrinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company, PACGobble for Iowa HouseSonya Heitshusen for IowaPetersen for State SenateHeaton for Rural IowaIowa Health, PACFriends of SchimanskiMonroe County Democratic Central CommitteeElect Roger VickerRose Funaro Houston for RecorderWin With WindschitlSteve Hansen for Iowa HouseHeather Stancil for IowaLinda Murken for SupervisorClaire Celsi for IowaMegan Srinivas for IowaBlack Hawk County Democratic Central CommitteeIowans for Mike VondranAmy Nielsen for IowaHoffman for Bremer County TreasurerDetermann for Iowa HouseBoulton for SenateNiko Pilcher for Story County AttorneyFriends of Lindsay JamesCournoyer for SenateIowa Democratic PartyTalsma for Jasper County SupervisorMarvis Landon for IowaDené Lundberg for Iowa HouseUnited Steelworkers of America Local 310 Cope AccountPolk County Democratic Central CommitteeIzaah Knox for Iowa SenateChapman for SenatePate for IowaStoltenberg for HousePat Shipley HD 17Johnson County Democratic Central CommitteeFriends of WhitverCommittee- Elect Matt Matteson for Hamilton County TreasurerLee County Republican Central CommitteeFessler for Cerro Gordo TreasurerEichholz for County AttorneyKyle Schultz for County SupervisorKoelker for Iowa SenateMidamerican Energy Company PACKerry Gruenhagen for Iowa SenateParker for SupervisorHy-Vee Employees' Political Action Committee, Inc.Ann Meyer for StatehouseIowa Committee of Automotive RetailersBousselot for IowaGolden Grain Energy State, PACScott County Democratic Central CommitteeCisneros for IowaCitizens for Joe GattoCitizens for Wessel KroeschellIowa Lumbermens, PACJohnson County Republican Central CommitteeJennifer Smith for IowaSmith for TreasurerAnkeny RepublicansDumkrieger for IowaWDM Professional Fire Fighters L3586, PACCarolyn Blum for Shelby County TreasurerKnobbe for TreasurerKris Nall for IowaKay Pence for IowaIowa Pharmacy, PACJurries4RecorderWetjen for Iowa CountyTim Lecander for IowaPlanned Parenthood Advocates of Iowa, PACCommittee to Elect Randy Schlutz to Louisa County SupervisorKevin Kinney for State SenateDean Fisher for HouseCommittee to Elect Mike Holden for SupervisorTeam ChickElle Wyant for IowaKara Warme for StoryWapello County Republican Central CommitteeMiller for Secretary of StateBremer County Democratic Central CommitteeKimberly Graham for IowaAustin Harris for IowaRepublican Party Of IowaWills for IowaDVogel for SupervisorHambleton for TreasurerFUELIowa, PACFriends of Jon DunwellWyatt for IowaWulf for IowaI-Vet or Iowa Veterinary Political Action Committee Inc., PACIronworkers Local #89 Political Education FundKim Reynolds for IowaTrelka for SheriffDavid M. Davis for State SenateNational Federation of Independent Business Iowa Political AAssociated Builders & Contractors of Iowa Political Action COPEi, PACIowa Providers, PACIowa BEV #6098, PACHora for SenateJONI Iowa, PACBenton County Republican Central CommitteeKelly Cunningham Haan Committee for Scott County AttorneyDonahue for StatehouseJennifer Konfrst for IowaIowa Restaurant Association Political Action CommitteeKris Oswald for RecorderMcClintock for IowaReierson for Recorder


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