
Hawkeye Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Who made the biggest political contributions in Iowa during week ending Oct. 22, 2022?

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Citizens for Pat Grassley made the largest political donation in the state during the week ending Oct. 22, 2022, giving $1,000,000 to the Republican Party of Iowa on Oct. 20, 2022, according to Iowa.gov.

More than $22 million was raised for the Iowa Senate race in 2022. This was split fairly evenly between the Republican and Democrat parties.

What’s known as “dark money,” which comes from political non-profits and shell corporations, has greatly increased expenditures and donations in recent elections to record-breaking highs.

Donations made to political groups or candidates must be disclosed under state law for greater transparency in elections.

Disclosures of political contributions can be unclear or murky due to gaps in information and misreporting.

Top Political Contributions in Iowa for week ending Oct. 22, 2022
Republican Party of IowaCitizens for Pat Grassley$1,000,00010/20/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyCommittee to Elect Zach Wahls$280,00010/18/2022
Republican Party of IowaFriends of Whitver$250,00010/21/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyMinnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party$143,75010/17/2022
Republican Party of IowaKim Reynolds for Iowa$120,00010/17/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyIowa State Education Association or ISEA PAC, PAC$100,00010/21/2022
Sarah Trone Garriott for IowaIowa Democratic Party$94,20010/21/2022
Dawn Driscoll for State SenateRepublican Party of Iowa$88,05010/21/2022
Republican Party of IowaKaufmann for State House$75,00010/17/2022
Sarah Trone Garriott for IowaIowa Democratic Party$68,74010/17/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyJennifer Konfrst for Iowa$65,00010/21/2022
Kevin Kinney for State SenateIowa Democratic Party$64,80010/21/2022
Todd Brady for Iowa SenateIowa Democratic Party$63,70010/21/2022
Young for Iowa HouseRepublican Party of Iowa$63,10010/17/2022
Gobble for Iowa HouseRepublican Party of Iowa$62,83010/17/2022
Iowa Democratic PartySonya Heitshusen For Iowa$60,00010/17/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyDLCC Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee$60,00010/21/2022
Bird for IowaRepublican Party of Iowa$59,60310/17/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaRepublican Party of Iowa$59,60310/17/2022
Iowans for Mike VondranRepublican Party of Iowa$56,91010/17/2022
Kevin Kinney for State SenateIowa Democratic Party$54,80010/17/2022
Gehlbach for Iowa HouseRepublican Party of Iowa$52,91010/17/2022
Jackie Smith for Iowa senateIowa Democratic Party$50,60010/21/2022
Jackie Smith for Iowa senateIowa Democratic Party$50,60010/17/2022
Republican Party of IowaWaylon Brown for State Senate$50,00010/18/2022
Iowa Democratic PartySuresh Reddy For Iowa$50,00010/17/2022
Gustoff for IowaRepublican Party of Iowa$48,86010/17/2022
Republican Party of IowaFriends For Brian Lohse$44,00010/21/2022
Determann for Iowa HouseRepublican Party of Iowa$43,29010/17/2022
Republican Party of IowaGary Mohr for State House$40,50010/20/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyKenan Judge for Iowans$40,00010/17/2022
Republican Party of IowaDennis Young$40,00010/21/2022
Marvis Landon for IowaRepublican Party of Iowa$35,60010/17/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyScholten for Iowa Committee$35,00010/17/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyBridget Carberry Montgomery for Iowa$35,00010/21/2022
Republican Party of IowaDan Zumbach for Senate$30,00010/18/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyCohoon for Representative$30,00010/17/2022
Smith for TreasurerRepublican Party of Iowa$27,75710/17/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyTodd Taylor for State Senate$27,00010/17/2022
Republican Party of IowaCarter Nordman for Iowa$25,00010/21/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyCommittee to Elect Rick Olson To House of Representatives$25,00010/17/2022
Republican Party of IowaRepublican State Leadership Committee$25,00010/18/2022
Republican Party of IowaSinclair for Iowa$25,00010/21/2022
Sarah Trone Garriott for IowaIowa Democratic Party$25,00010/20/2022
Republican Party of IowaCournoyer for Senate$25,00010/21/2022
Republican Party of IowaGulick for Good Governance$25,00010/21/2022
Jennifer Konfrst for IowaJustice For All Political Action Committee$25,00010/18/2022
Chapman For SenateRepublican Party of Iowa$24,45010/20/2022
Republican Party of IowaDe Witt for Iowa Senate$20,00010/18/2022
Republican Party of IowaCitizens for Sexton$20,00010/20/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyCitizens for Sharon Steckman$20,00010/19/2022
Citizens for Pat GrassleyRPAC Iowa - REALTORS Political Action Committee$20,00010/20/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyEric Gjerde For Iowa$20,00010/21/2022
Jennifer Konfrst for IowaIowa Committee on Political Education - AFL-CIO$20,00010/20/2022
Citizens for Pat GrassleyKurt Croell$20,00010/20/2022
Republican Party of IowaLundgren For Office$20,00010/20/2022
Republican Party of IowaTeam LOFGREN$20,00010/21/2022
Todd Brady for Iowa SenateIowa Democratic Party$19,25010/17/2022
Republican Party of IowaBrian Best for House$18,00010/17/2022
Martin Graber for Iowa HouseRepublican Party of Iowa$18,00010/17/2022
Republican Party of IowaFriends of Sandy Salmon$18,00010/21/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyElizabeth Wilson for Iowa$16,00010/17/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyQuirmbach for Senate$16,00010/17/2022
Republican Party of IowaBradley for Iowa House$16,00010/20/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyIowa State Education Association or ISEA PAC, PAC$16,00010/21/2022
Win With WindschitlIFC, PAC$16,00010/20/2022
Elizabeth Wilson for IowaIowa Democratic Party$15,90810/20/2022
Kerry Gruenhagen for Iowa SenateRepublican Party of Iowa$15,36110/19/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaMichael Krantz$15,00010/20/2022
Republican Party of IowaKerry Gruenhagen for Iowa Senate$15,00010/17/2022
Iowa Democratic PartySean Bagniewski for Iowa$15,00010/17/2022
Mike Naig for Iowa AgricultureRSLC Victory Fund$15,00010/20/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyIzaah Knox for Iowa Senate$15,00010/17/2022
Republican Party of IowaWebster for Iowa$15,00010/18/2022
Jackie Smith for Iowa senateIowa Democratic Party$15,00010/20/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaDeere & Company - Iowa, PAC$15,00010/20/2022
Republican Party of IowaCostello for Iowa Senate$14,00010/18/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyMixdorf for Iowa$13,20010/19/2022
Republican Party of IowaZaun for Iowa Senate$13,00010/21/2022
Bousselot for IowaRepublican Party of Iowa$12,95510/20/2022
Kevin Kinney for State SenateIowa Democratic Party$12,40710/20/2022
Gulick for Good GovernanceRepublican Party of Iowa$12,00710/19/2022
Republican Party of IowaWheeler for Representative$11,00010/20/2022
Republican Party of IowaDeyoe for House$11,00010/17/2022
Republican Party of IowaMcClintock for Iowa$11,00010/18/2022
Cournoyer for SenateRepublican Party of Iowa$10,89110/20/2022
Webster for IowaRepublican Party of Iowa$10,46910/21/2022
Sarah Trone Garriott for IowaIowa Democratic Party$10,27410/20/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaNational Federation of Independent Business Iowa Political A$10,00010/19/2022
Republican Party of IowaYoung for Iowa House$10,00010/21/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyJacoby for House$10,00010/17/2022
Republican Party of IowaFry for Iowa House$10,00010/17/2022
Republican Party of IowaGerhold for Iowa$10,00010/17/2022
Republican Party of IowaJeffrey Shipley$10,00010/21/2022
Young for Iowa HouseDennis E. Young Revocable Trust$10,00010/21/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyAbatepac$10,00010/19/2022
Republican Party of IowaThe Hawkeye, PAC$10,00010/20/2022
Republican Party of IowaKraayenbrink for Iowa Senate$10,00010/18/2022
Iowans For MillerJerry Crawford$10,00010/18/2022


Wilz for IowaTodd Halbur for State AuditorCommittee To Elect Zach WahlsJ Wright for County SupervisorDes Moines County Republican Central CommitteeSarah Trone Garriott for IowaK Lynn Evans Campaign CommitteeIowa Physical Therapy, PACJason Roudabush for County SupervisorHeather Matson for Iowa HouseJasper County Democratic Central CommitteeManufactured Housing Political Action Committee #6096Jackie Smith for Iowa SenateBen Rogers for SupervisorRebecca Bowker for IowaDeyoe for HouseDawn Driscoll for State SenateIowans for MillerDejear for IowaMary Madison for IowaIowa Optometric AssociationMike Naig for Iowa AgricultureJacoby for HouseCarroll County Democratic Central CommitteeWood for IowaWaylon Brown for State SenateScholten for IowaMixdorf for IowaStiffler for IowaLundgren for HouseMark Weatherly State Representative 39Gulick for Good GovernanceKraayenbrink for Iowa SenateDubuque County Democratic Central CommitteeJohnson for IowaGehlbach for Iowa HouseCharley Thomson for HouseEric Giddens for IowaSinclair for IowaWestrich for IowaJenny Hansen for Iowa HouseDave Muhlbauer for SupervisorJessica Wiskus for IowaSuresh Reddy for IowaCitizens To Elect Bill DotzlerHolt for HouseZaun for Iowa SenateMaybanks for County AttorneyDistrict Union #431 Ufcw Political Action AccountRozenboom for SenateElizabeth Wilson for IowaMatt Pries for IowaSiegrist for Iowa HouseYoung for Iowa HouseCohoon for RepresentativeSean Bagniewski for IowaBrooke Boden for Iowa HouseWebster for IowaCitizens for SieckAbdouch for HouseLatham for IowaFriends for KlimeshIowa Realtors, PACTillman for Iowa HouseGustoff for IowaMollyBuckForAnkenyCitizens for Pat GrassleyFriends for Brian LohseCommittee to Elect Rick Olson to House of RepresentativesCitizens for Sharon SteckmanGrocers Political Action CommitteeMartin Graber for Iowa HouseBird for IowaPhil Thompson for IowaCitizens for John NorwoodRob Sand for IowaRowley for Iowa SenateCindy Golding for Iowa HouseVote JorgensenSorensen for IowaV Fixmer-Oraiz for Johnson County SupervisorLoomis for County AttorneyCandy BradleyLinn County Republican Central CommitteeTaylor for RepresentativeTodd Brady for Iowa SenateGobble for Iowa HouseMarquardt for SupervisorFriends of Caleb CopleyCitizens for MommsenSonya Heitshusen for IowaRay Lough Election CommitteeHenderson for HouseBeran for IowaFriends of Jason SchultzIowa Health, PACIowa Propane Gas Political Action CommitteeJeff Shipley's Committee for Peace and ProsperityKevin J. Schneider for SheriffCitizens for Ako Abdul SamadWittrock for RecorderFriends of Jacob BossmanWin With WindschitlSteve Hansen for Iowa HouseCommittee to Elect Jeff ShudakStacie Herridge for County RecorderClaire Celsi for IowaSusie Weinacht for IowaMegan Srinivas for IowaCraig Dozark for SupervisorIngels for Iowa HouseDan Bittinger for Woodbury County SupervisorIowans for Mike VondranTurek4IowaLS2group, PACDetermann for Iowa HouseIowa Farm Bureau Federation Political Action CommitteeDeb VanderGaast for Iowa SenateEric Gjerde for IowaDe Witt for Iowa SenateJones County Republican Central CommitteeNiko Pilcher for Story County AttorneyJeneary for House District 5 CommitteeFriends of Lindsay JamesDickey for IowaCournoyer for SenateIowa Democratic PartyMarvis Landon for IowaPolk County Democratic Central CommitteeJordan Gaffney for County AttorneyVote BloomingdaleChapman for SenatePate for IowaStoltenberg for HouseFriends of WhitverTruck Iowa, PACBridget Carberry Montgomery for IowaCommittee- Elect Matt Matteson for Hamilton County TreasurerCitizens for Elinor A. LevinKoelker for Iowa SenateKerry Gruenhagen for Iowa SenateMaster Builders of Iowa, P.A.C.Hy-Vee Employees' Political Action Committee, Inc.Ann Meyer for StatehouseCommittee to Elect Angela Connolly for SupervisorBousselot for IowaWheeler for RepresentativeHemingway for SupervisorReichman for SenateThe Family Leader, PACScott County Democratic Central CommitteeGarrett for Statehouse CommitteeIowans for Kirsten Running MarquardtKaufmann for State HouseCitizens for Joe GattoMoore for State RepresentativeOsmundson for IowaAustin V Hayek for Webster County Board of SupervisorsJennifer Smith for IowaSmith for TreasurerCommittee for Diana BrodersonCommittee To Elect Art StaedKris Nall for IowaMahaska County Democratic Central CommitteeKay Pence for IowaFriends of Sandy SalmonTim Lecander for IowaPlanned Parenthood Advocates of Iowa, PACKevin Kinney for State SenateKara Warme for StoryTripp Narup for IowaStone for HouseDan Dawson for State SenateWoodbury County Democratic Central CommitteeJeff Taylor for State SenateRepublican Party Of IowaWills for IowaIfc, PACFriends of Jon DunwellCedar County Republican Central CommitteeWyatt for IowaWulf for IowaDiana Swartz for IowaKim Reynolds for IowaJones for IowaIowa Voters for Van LanckerAssociated General Contractors of Iowa, PACIowa Industry Political Action Committee or IIPACDavid Thompson for County AttorneyJustice for All Political Action CommitteeMacKenzie Bills for IowaCitizens for Campbell 2022Hora for SenateDonahue for StatehouseJennifer Konfrst for IowaIowa Restaurant Association Political Action CommitteeKenan Judge for IowansNAIFA-Iowa IFAPACMcClintock for IowaThede for Iowa


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