
Hawkeye Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

Who contributed the most in Iowa during week ending Nov. 12, 2022?

Webp campaign15

Win With Windschitl made the largest political donation in the state during the week ending Nov. 12, 2022, giving $160,000 to the Republican Party of Iowa on Nov. 10, 2022, according to Iowa.gov.

More than $22 million was raised for the Iowa Senate race in 2022. This was split fairly evenly between the Republican and Democrat parties.

What’s known as “dark money,” which comes from political non-profits and shell corporations, has greatly increased expenditures and donations in recent elections to record-breaking highs.

Donations made to political groups or candidates must be disclosed under state law for greater transparency in elections.

Disclosures of political contributions can be unclear or murky due to gaps in information and misreporting.

Top Political Contributions in Iowa for week ending Nov. 12, 2022
Republican Party of IowaWin With Windschitl$160,00011/10/2022
Rinker for Iowa HouseRepublican Party of Iowa$103,09011/7/2022
Republican Party of IowaKim Reynolds for Iowa$100,00011/7/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyIowa State Education Association or ISEA PAC, PAC$50,00011/10/2022
Smith for TreasurerRepublican Party of Iowa$50,00011/7/2022
Bird for IowaRepublican Party of Iowa$50,00011/7/2022
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Political Action Committee--$26,13111/8/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaAndrea Abel$25,00011/7/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyCohoon for Representative$22,00011/7/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyMacKenzie Bills for Iowa$17,00011/7/2022
Rinker for Iowa HouseRepublican Party of Iowa$13,09011/7/2022
Republican Party of IowaSweeney for Senate$12,50011/8/2022
Republican Party of IowaFriends of Sandy Salmon$12,00011/8/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyJackie Smith for Iowa senate$10,49311/7/2022
Pate for IowaRPAC Iowa - REALTORS Political Action Committee$10,00011/8/2022
Republican Party of IowaKraayenbrink for Iowa Senate$10,00011/8/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACSonny Hall$8,00011/9/2022
Bousselot for IowaRepublican Party of Iowa$7,50011/7/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyCommittee to Elect Rick Olson To House of Representatives$6,50011/7/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyElizabeth Wilson for Iowa$6,00011/7/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyTodd Brady for Iowa Senate$6,00011/10/2022
Rob Sand for IowaRob Sand$6,00011/7/2022
Rinker for Iowa HouseRepublican Party of Iowa$5,37611/7/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyDRIVE$5,00011/8/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyDonahue for State Senate$5,00011/10/2022
Republican Party of IowaPhil Thompson for Iowa$5,00011/10/2022
Wills for IowaThe Hawkeye, PAC$5,00011/8/2022
Jennifer Konfrst for IowaKum & Go, Inc., PAC$5,00011/7/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaThe Political Action Committee of American Staffing Associat$5,00011/8/2022
DeJear for IowaInternational Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 Local A$5,00011/6/2022
Republican Party of IowaAnn Meyer for Statehouse$5,00011/10/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyTim Lecander for Iowa$5,00011/7/2022
Dickey for IowaFUELIowa, PAC$5,00011/8/2022
Sue Cahill for Iowa HouseProgressive Turnout Project$5,00011/8/2022
Sarah Smith for HD76Progressive Turnout Project$5,00011/8/2022
Johnson County Democratic Central CommitteeCurrin to the Capitol$4,95011/9/2022
Black Hawk County Democratic Central CommitteeIowa State Uaw, PAC$4,00011/7/2022
Win With WindschitlManufactured Housing Political Action Committee #6096$4,00011/7/2022
Rick StewartWendi Wang$4,00011/7/2022
Republican Party of IowaFriends of Jacob Bossman$4,00011/7/2022
Republican Party of IowaWebster for Iowa$4,00011/8/2022
Republican Party of IowaMartin Graber for Iowa House$4,00011/7/2022
Rinker for Iowa HouseRepublican Party of Iowa$3,98711/7/2022
Republican Party of IowaMark Weatherly State Representative 39$3,90011/10/2022
Susie Weinacht for IowaRepublican Party of Iowa$3,70011/7/2022
Eddie Andrews For IowaRepublican Party of Iowa$3,70011/7/2022
Republican Party of IowaWheeler for Representative$3,67511/7/2022
Gustoff for IowaRepublican Party of Iowa$3,60011/10/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaRepublican National Committee$3,50011/8/2022
Dawn Driscoll for State SenateRepublican Party of Iowa$3,50011/7/2022
Smith for TreasurerDavid Barker$3,42711/7/2022
Kim Reynolds for IowaDavid Barker$3,42711/7/2022
Bird for IowaDavid Barker$3,42711/7/2022
Mike Naig for Iowa AgricultureDavid Barker$3,42611/7/2022
Chapman For SenateRepublican Party of Iowa$3,25011/9/2022
Friends of WhitverRepublican Party of Iowa$3,03211/8/2022
Republican Party of IowaBrian Best for House$3,00011/7/2022
Abdouch for HouseRepublican Party of Iowa$3,00011/7/2022
Republican Party of IowaCitizens for Mommsen$3,00011/10/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyTracy Ehlert for Iowa House$3,00011/7/2022
Chapman For SenateRepublican Party of Iowa$2,64911/8/2022
Bousselot for IowaRepublican Party of Iowa$2,60311/8/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyErick Zehr for Iowa$2,60011/10/2022
Steve Hansen for Iowa HouseProgressive Turnout Project$2,50011/8/2022
Gary Mohr for State HouseThe Hawkeye, PAC$2,50011/7/2022
Iowans For MillerTroutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders, LLP$2,50011/8/2022
Lucy For RecorderMatt Tompkins$2,50011/7/2022
Smith for TreasurerTodd Johnson$2,50011/8/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACBrian Manatt$2,50011/9/2022
Republican Party of IowaLundgren For Office$2,50011/10/2022
Committee- Elect Matt Matteson for Hamilton County TreasurerMatt Matteson$2,41911/11/2022
Webster for IowaRepublican Party of Iowa$2,34511/8/2022
Dawn Driscoll for State SenateRepublican Party of Iowa$2,08611/8/2022
Iowans for Mike VondranLiberty Bell Communications, LLC$2,00011/7/2022
Republican Party of IowaSorensen For Iowa$2,00011/7/2022
DeJear for IowaHasoni Pratts$2,00011/6/2022
Johnson County Democratic Central CommitteeInternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers IBEW, PAC$2,00011/8/2022
Win With WindschitlJosh Lederman$2,00011/7/2022
Gary Mohr for State HouseThe Hawkeye, PAC$2,00011/9/2022
Win With WindschitlKoch Industries Political Action Committee, Inc.$2,00011/7/2022
Iowans For MillerIda Skikos$2,00011/6/2022
Wills for IowaManufactured Housing Political Action Committee #6096$2,00011/6/2022
Iowa Democratic PartyForbes for Iowa House$2,00011/10/2022
Lundgren for HouseThe Hawkeye, PAC$2,00011/9/2022
Waylon Brown for State SenateRepublican Party of Iowa$1,80911/8/2022
Associated General Contractors of Iowa, PACSmokey Doyle$1,80011/10/2022
Kerry Gruenhagen for Iowa SenateRepublican Party of Iowa$1,79311/8/2022
De Witt for Iowa SenateRepublican Party of Iowa$1,75511/8/2022
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Political Action Committee--$1,69711/7/2022
Committee- Elect Matt Matteson for Hamilton County TreasurerHamilton County Republican Central Committee$1,60011/10/2022
Kenan Judge for IowansKum & Go, Inc., PAC$1,50011/10/2022
Iowans For MillerAaron's$1,50011/9/2022
Master Builders of Iowa, P.A.C.Donald Woodruff$1,50011/7/2022
Gary Mohr for State HouseIowa Farm Bureau Federation Political Action Committee$1,50011/7/2022
Steve Hansen for Iowa HouseKum & Go, Inc., PAC$1,50011/12/2022
Master Builders of Iowa, P.A.C.Marvin Schumacher$1,50011/7/2022
People for Pam JochumKum & Go, Inc., PAC$1,50011/11/2022
Mark Thompson for Iowa House--$1,48311/7/2022
Mack4SupervisorJosh Mack$1,30411/7/2022


Clinton County Democratic Central CommitteeTodd Halbur for State AuditorJ Wright for County SupervisorSarah Trone Garriott for IowaDarland for Scott County RecorderMark Banowetz for SupervisorSam Cox for IowaHeather Matson for Iowa HouseSarah Tupper for Marshall County AttorneyJackie Smith for Iowa SenateLee County Democratic Central CommitteeO'Connor for SupervisorDickson for SupervisorMary Wells for Polk County TreasurerIha, PACAdams County Republican Central CommitteeDawn Driscoll for State SenateTyler Stewart for IowaIowans for MillerDejear for IowaBrett Mason for SupervisorAustin Baeth for IowaLaborers', PACScheetz for IowaMike Naig for Iowa AgricultureJacoby for HouseWaylon Brown for State SenateScholten for IowaLundgren for HouseDemocratic Women of Buchanan CountyMark Weatherly State Representative 39Kraayenbrink for Iowa SenateCredit Union, PACJohnson for IowaWoodbury County Republican Central CommitteeGary Mohr for State HouseGehlbach for Iowa HouseCharley Thomson for HouseTracy Ehlert for Iowa HouseSinclair for IowaWestrich for IowaDave Muhlbauer for SupervisorIowans for Liz BennettSue Cahill for Iowa HouseCitizens To Elect Bill DotzlerBrian Best for HouseHolt for HouseMaybanks for County AttorneyBuena Vista County Republican Central CommitteeJed Ganzer for IowaRozenboom for SenateMatt Pries for IowaJasper County Republican Central CommitteeAnn McLaughlin for TreasurerBecky Gaylord for Lee County TreasurerRinker for Iowa HouseWebster for IowaCitizens for SieckAbdouch for HouseLatham for IowaGustoff for IowaMollyBuckForAnkenyFriends for Brian LohseSarah Smith for HD76Wolff 4 SenateTaylor County Democratic Central CommitteePeople for Pam JochumIowa LawpacReNae Arnold for RecorderBird for IowaIowa Association of Nurse Anesthetists, PACAudubon County Democratic Central CommitteeFry for Iowa HousePrim Care Policital Action CommitteeEddie Andrews for IowaClarke County Democratic Central CommitteeRob Sand for IowaRachel Zimmermann Smith for County AttorneyRowley for Iowa SenateLoomis for County AttorneyQuirmbach for SenateTaylor for RepresentativeTodd Brady for Iowa SenateIowa Auto Recyclers, PACKurt Bendixen for IowaBergan for Iowa HouseHenderson for HouseKossuth County Democratic Central CommitteeFriends of Jason SchultzFriends of SchimanskiFriends of Jacob BossmanWin With WindschitlHockensmith for SupervisorTeam LofgrenSteve Hansen for Iowa HouseCommittee to Elect KirkendallLinda Murken for SupervisorSusie Weinacht for IowaMegan Srinivas for IowaFaldet for SupervisorBlack Hawk County Democratic Central CommitteeKelsay for SupervisorIngels for Iowa HouseDan Bittinger for Woodbury County SupervisorMack4SupervisorIowans for Mike VondranForbes for Iowa HouseLS2group, PACIowa Federation of Young RepublicansIowa Farm Bureau Federation Political Action CommitteeWinckler for State HouseIowa Dental Political Action CommitteeTechPACBisignano for Senate AccountDe Witt for Iowa SenateBoulton for SenateJeneary for House District 5 CommitteeDickey for IowaCournoyer for SenateIowa Democratic PartyTalsma for Jasper County SupervisorDené Lundberg for Iowa HousePolk County Democratic Central CommitteeIsenhart Campaign for the Common GoodIzaah Knox for Iowa SenateChapman for SenatePate for IowaJohnson County Democratic Central CommitteeFriends of WhitverCommittee- Elect Matt Matteson for Hamilton County TreasurerLee County Republican Central CommitteeFessler for Cerro Gordo TreasurerIowa Funeral Directors Association, PACCommittee to re-elect Patrick PJ JenningsCitizens for Elinor A. LevinKoelker for Iowa SenateKerry Gruenhagen for Iowa SenateMaster Builders of Iowa, P.A.C.Ann Meyer for StatehouseAppanoose County Republican Central CommitteeCerro Gordo County Republican Central CommitteeHamilton County Republican Central CommitteeSara Yedlik for IowaErick Zehr for IowaBousselot for IowaWheeler for RepresentativeAshley Herrig for Clay County AttorneyIowans for A Skilled WorkforceScott County Democratic Central CommitteeCisneros for IowaIowans for FitzgeraldIowans for Kirsten Running MarquardtPoweshiek County Republican Central CommitteeClinton County Republican Central CommitteeKaufmann for State HouseCitizens for Joe GattoOssian Election TeamMoore for State RepresentativeOsmundson for IowaJohnson County Republican Central CommitteeSmith for TreasurerCommittee for Diana BrodersonDumkrieger for IowaCitizens for SextonCitizens for Brian MeyerKay Pence for IowaFriends of Sandy SalmonIowa People's, PACKevin Kinney for State SenateHenry County Republican Central CommitteeFriends of Ken CrokenKara Warme for StoryLucy for RecorderRepublican Party Of IowaWills for IowaIowa Cable, PACWyatt for IowaWellmark PAC or WellPAC, Inc.I-Vet or Iowa Veterinary Political Action Committee Inc., PACSara Davenport for County AttorneyKim Reynolds for IowaJones for IowaIowa Telecommunications Association, PACRick StewartPeggy Meany for Cerro Gordo County TreasurerMark Thompson for Iowa HouseAssociated General Contractors of Iowa, PACMutual Insurance Association of Iowa, PACJustice for All Political Action CommitteeMacKenzie Bills for IowaCitizens for Campbell 2022Kelly Cunningham Haan Committee for Scott County AttorneyDonahue for StatehouseJennifer Konfrst for IowaKenan Judge for IowansNAIFA-Iowa IFAPACAlliant Energy Employees' Iowa, PACThede for IowaSweeney for State House


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